Cleaning the stove top may prove to be a monumental chore as you find that the baked-on stains and gunk can’t be removed by simply wiping things down.
Odds are that if your stove top is even semi-regularly used, you will see a filthy buildup of unsightly stains around its burners, on its burner covers, and around both of them.
That buildup is inevitable, as food sources always finds its way outside pans and pots when there’s food cooking. Here’s the good news: the burnt-on gunk doesn’t need to remain there forever. With a little of committed cleaning, it’s possible to help a customer’s stove top return back to its previous pristine glory.
Therefore, without further ado, the fully insured home cleaning company of MintyMaids offers tips on how you can clean your stove top. Set apart a mere 15 – 30 minutes of your time to scrub stove top gunk off and you will be set!
1) Collect simple materials. All that’s needed to perform this cleaning of the stove top, is to have paper towels, baking soda, dish soap, soft-bristled brush, as well as hydrogen peroxide on-hand.
Hydrogen peroxide alone might prove challenging to locate around your home; however, an inexpensive bottle is available at any pharmacy. It’s always possible to message a user before the job to check if they have it on-hand!
2) Remove all burner covers. Take off the burner covers so it’s possible to access the trapped stains and gunk beneath. The burner covers might also need cleaning, and if that is the case, separately clean them before you put them back on your stove top.
You also can leave them to soak in hot water to assist in unsticking some of the mess as you clean the remainder of your stove.
3) Scrub with water and soap. Get as much dirt off as possible with your traditional method of brush, water, and soap. The majority of the large chunks ough to come off through this measure; however, there ought to be more stubborn stains which require further cleaning.
4) Create a stove top cleanser concoction. In order to clean the more stubborn areas, create your own cleaning agent. Pour ½ a cup of baking soda inside a bowl and slowly add hydrogen peroxide as you mix the two ingredients together. As you have made a somewhat liquid paste, the homemade stove top cleanser is prepared.
5) Scrub. Now that you have the cleaning concoction, dab a brush or paper towel into the mixture and begin to scrub. This ought to immediately work to remove even the most stubborn of stains and gunk.
If there are still stains that will not go away, try to pour the paste onto the area and wait ten minutes before you scrub. That ought to loosen up that stubborn gunk.
In Conclusion
Now you have an idea of how you can clean your stove top in an expert manner. Although it might not seem like much, arriving home to a clean stove top as you need to is so gratifying and relieving.