Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Cleaning A Stove Top

Cleaning the stove top may prove to be a monumental chore as you find that the baked-on stains and gunk can’t be removed by simply wiping things down.

Odds are that if your stove top is even semi-regularly used, you will see a filthy buildup of unsightly stains around its burners, on its burner covers, and around both of them.

That buildup is inevitable, as food sources always finds its way outside pans and pots when there’s food cooking. Here’s the good news: the burnt-on gunk doesn’t need to remain there forever. With a little of committed cleaning, it’s possible to help a customer’s stove top return back to its previous pristine glory.

Therefore, without further ado, the fully insured home cleaning company of MintyMaids offers tips on how you can clean your stove top. Set apart a mere 15 – 30 minutes of your time to scrub stove top gunk off and you will be set!

1) Collect simple materials. All that’s needed to perform this cleaning of the stove top, is to have paper towels, baking soda, dish soap, soft-bristled brush, as well as hydrogen peroxide on-hand.

Hydrogen peroxide alone might prove challenging to locate around your home; however, an inexpensive bottle is available at any pharmacy. It’s always possible to message a user before the job to check if they have it on-hand!

2) Remove all burner covers. Take off the burner covers so it’s possible to access the trapped stains and gunk beneath. The burner covers might also need cleaning, and if that is the case, separately clean them before you put them back on your stove top.

You also can leave them to soak in hot water to assist in unsticking some of the mess as you clean the remainder of your stove.

3) Scrub with water and soap. Get as much dirt off as possible with your traditional method of brush, water, and soap. The majority of the large chunks ough to come off through this measure; however, there ought to be more stubborn stains which require further cleaning.

4) Create a stove top cleanser concoction. In order to clean the more stubborn areas, create your own cleaning agent. Pour ½ a cup of baking soda inside a bowl and slowly add hydrogen peroxide as you mix the two ingredients together.  As you have made a somewhat liquid paste, the homemade stove top cleanser is prepared.

5) Scrub. Now that you have the cleaning concoction, dab a brush or paper towel into the mixture and begin to scrub. This ought to immediately work to remove even the most stubborn of stains and gunk.

If there are still stains that will not go away, try to pour the paste onto the area and wait ten minutes before you scrub. That ought to loosen up that stubborn gunk.

In Conclusion

Now you have an idea of how you can clean your stove top in an expert manner. Although it might not seem like much, arriving home to a clean stove top as you need to is so gratifying and relieving.



Monday, April 22, 2019

Ways to Clean a Glass Top Stove

A glass top stove is a modern and smooth addition to any kitchen. So, what’s the problem? It’s hard to keep it clean – even the smallest drip from a pan will appear very conspicuous without instant cleaning. If you really don’t have time to do this on your own, simply call the Winnipeg home cleaning services of MintyMaids to handle it for you!

It’s possible to plan on spraying a cleaning agent and wiping down your stove after each use; however, odds are there are going to be times in which you choose to eat your food before you clean. After the fact, it’ll take a little effort to figure out how to clean the glass stove top; however, you’ll have the ability to get the glass top stove back to a new shine.

Cleaning the Glass Top Stove

We promised an easy and cost-effective method of learning how to clean glass stove tops; therefore, avoid purchasing cleansing solutions at the grocery store. Instead, collect some typical household items – that is all thats needed to efficiently clean the glass top stove.

1) Gather the cleaning products. Find your white vinegar and baking soda, as those items will be your main cleaners. In addition, acquire a spray bottle, a few towels or cloths, and either a graspable razor or scrub brush.

2) Wipe using vinegar. After ensuring that your stove top is cool, spray your glass top using white vinegar then wipe it down using a cloth. It’ll successfully remove all large surface scraps and degrease its surface. Of course, it’s possible to use any cleansing agent here, yet vinegar usually is the most available.

3) Sprinkle some baking soda. After all vinegar is removed from your stove, liberally cover the whole stove top with baking soda. It’ll breakdown the dirt which has built up on the stove top and makes scrubbing possible without having to scratch the glass.

4) Cover using a damp towel. Locate a towel big enough to cover the stove top and wet it with warm water. If you cannot find a big enough towel, it’s possible to piece together smaller towels. Leave your towel on top of the stove and baking soda for fifteen minutes to allow everything to soak.

5) Scrub. After the fifteen minutes are up, utilize that same towel to scrub using the baking soda then clean your stove. Frequently wring and rinse the towel and keep scrubbing until all of the baking soda leaves the surface.

6) Scrape with a scrub brush or razor. Use the scrub brush or razor to remove all stubborn debris that’s still stuck on your glass top stove. It’s vital to do that while the stove is still wet and work with an even motion, in order for you not to scratch the glass.

7) Finish using vinegar again. As the stove is looking a lot cleaner, polish it once more by spraying vinegar then scrubbing with a moist cloth. Clean all of it down using a dry cloth to make it shine.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Winnipeg Cleaning Service Minty Maids Celebrating Best Ever Quarter As Demand For Their Services Continues To Grow

Winnipeg Canada – Minty Maids, one of the fastest growing cleaning companies in Canada, is delighted to announce that they have just celebrated their best ever quarter in terms of overall business, new business and inquiries. The company has focused its attention and advertising budget on the millennial generation, and this strategy is starting to reap the rewards.

The company conducted significant marketplace research and identified that the millennial generation placed a huge value on their leisure and family time. The generation works very hard, sometimes working over 60 hours a week, and when they get home, the last thing they want to concern themselves with is having to undertake the chores and general housework.

Having identified their target market, they then updated their website to reflect and appeal to a younger generation and created promotions and advertisements designed to grab the attention of their target market. Now that the company brand is well known in and around Winnipeg, growth is becoming more organic, although the vast majority of their new customers still come as a direct result of referrals from delighted customers.

“As a business owner it is always critical to identify and then serve your target market, and that was a strategy we were determined to follow when we initially launched Minty Maids,” said Terry Williams. “We are now well established in the area and are contemplating expanding into adjourning cities to continue our remarkable growth. However, as with every aspect of our business, we will plan this expansion meticulously, because we never want to lower our standards, or disappoint any of our customers.”

MintyMaids is a locally owned and operated home cleaning service based in Winnipeg Canada. Forward-thinking and innovative, the company utilizes a quick and efficient online booking system, for busy people, that do not want to waste time trying to get their property cleaned. They are a top rated, high-tech cleaning company, who operate on a flat-rate pricing structure. This means that their team will stay until the job is done, no matter how long it takes. This approach allows the team to put in quality hard work without having to worry about time constraints, ensuring every property will be cleaned to perfection every time. For more information about the company and the various services that they provide, visit their website at


How to Clean Baking and Cookie Sheets

Whether you have been roasting a lot of veggies or you are merely on a snickerdoodle kick because you have been binging on too many TV shows about culinary competitions, sending the oven into overdrive may result in your baking sheets appearing downright gross. Thankfully, cleaning cooking sheets that are coated in grease is a snap! Here, we’ll learn how to clean baking sheets — and how to keep them from becoming gross again.

How to Clean Cookie Sheets that have Baked-On Grease Utilizing Ammonia

This handy do-it-yourself won’t just clean the baking sheet, it might also help remove grime from the inside of the oven.

You will need:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Dishwashing gloves
  • Microfiber cloths
  • A non-scratch scouring pad
  • A small bowl
  • ½ cup of ammonia
  1. Be certain the oven is off and cool.
  2. Pour ammonia inside the bowl. Set it on the top rack of the oven.
  3. Put the greasy cookie sheet on the oven’s bottom rack.
  4. Shut the oven door and allow it to sit overnight.
  5. When the morning arrives, put on your gloves. Use the water and non-scratch pad to clean your baking sheet.
  6. Normally wash the sheet using water and dish soap.
  7. The ammonia might’ve loosened up a ton of the oily remnants from dinners past on your oven walls or door; therefore, take time to wipe these down using microfiber cloths.

Cleaning Cookie Sheets with Vinegar and Baking Soda

You will need:

  • Non-scratch scouring pad
  • Clean kitchen sink
  • ½ c. baking soda
  • ½ c. distilled white vinegar
  1. Plug in the stopper and fill up the sink with warm water.
  2. Blend the vinegar and baking soda with water.
  3. Submerge the cookie sheet as much as you can. If you have a big pan, you might need to clean half at one time.
  4. Allow the pan to sit for thirty minutes to one hour. It ought to loosen anything that is baked on.
  5. Softly scrub away the baked-on grime with the non-scratch pad.
  6. If there’s a bigger cookie sheet on-hand, refill your sink with a new batch of the cleaning mix and submerge the dirty part of the pan.
  7. Repeat steps four and five.
  8. Hand wash your pan as you usually would and allow it to dry before you put it away.
  9. Be certain to clean the sink so it does not get smelly.

How to Keep Sheets Looking Great

The key to keeping the cookie sheets from getting dark patches is preventing oils and fats from touching them. The best method of doing this includes lining the pans with aluminum foil, parchment paper, or silicone mats designed especially for baking. One other method of making the cookie sheets last longer includes cleaning them in the sink instead of the dishwasher.

If you do not want to deal with your oven, you do not have to! Oven cleaning is merely one of the multiple specialty services we provide to make your life easier.

For more information on our bonded house cleaning service contact MintyMaids today!


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How to Safely Store your China Dinnerware

Naturally, you do not want your best dishes getting all banged up as you are trying to protect them. Here, we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts of taking care of these delicate items and pick up some china storage tips along the way.

Do Display the Dishes

Whether your dishes are a family pattern, wedding gift or something you saved for to purchase yourself, there isn’t any shame in wanting to place it on display. Be certain your cabinet or hutch is set up for this task with grooves for the lips of bowls and plates. If these are not built in, invest in some quality plate display stands which will not slip about. However, never try to display china by balancing them on the back wall of a hutch. One simple nudge with a hip or vacuum cleaner might leave you feeling like a bull ran through the china cabinet.

Do not use your Dishwasher

Unless your dishes specifically say they are dishwasher safe, they always should be cleaned by hand.

Do Properly Space China Dinnerware

As you are storing dishes or placing them inside a display case, you want to ensure that you have given each plate, cup, and bowl plenty of space. China that is placed too close to each other is more likely to chip if a china hutch or storage box gets accidentally jostled.

Do not Stack China Too High

As it’ll come to stacks of formal plate ware, bigger is not better. While it is admirable to attempt to maximize space, higher stacks may result in plates becoming broken or scratched if they slide. Also, all those top dishes put a lot of pressure on the plate at the bottom. Thereby, it is a good rule to stack no more than around 8 plates.

Do Consider Smart Dishware Storage Ideas

The sky is the limit as it’ll come to containers which may help you find out how to store dishware safely. Besides traditional display shelves, cabinets, and hutches, it’s also possible to buy both soft- and hard-sided cases for your tea settings, bowls, and plates. Regardless of which dishware storage idea you choose, be certain to place the packed-away dishes within a place that does not see much traffic. It’ll greatly decrease the opportunity of china being damaged when it is stowed in the off season.

Do not Pack China Using Newspaper

Newspaper often is a convenient and cheap packaging material, which is the reason why it is one of the first china storage tips to come to mind for most people. Here is the hitch — the ink utilized to print newspapers may bleed onto the dishes, which means you will need to spend even more time washing them. That ink even could cause damaged patterns if you need to scrub to remove it. Even worse, newsprint might result in permanent staining. As you consider those factors, it is better to skip the newspaper and buy brown packing paper, which typically is inexpensive.

For more information on the experienced cleaning services of MintyMaids contact us today!




Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ways to Clean Toys

MintyMaids doesn’t provide this service; but here are some DIY cleaning ideas to use to help keep your kids toys germ-free and prepared for playtime.

Ways to Clean Toys in your Washing Machine

Here’s the good news: most plush toys are just a whirl inside the washer away from being good as new. Just ensure that you first look at the labels for special directions. No one wants the incorrect dryer setting or water temperature rendering their beloved “Cuttlefish,” “Monkey,” or “Kitty” unrecognizable. For small toys designed of hard plastic, put them in a pillowcase or mesh bag to keep them from clunking around.

Ways to Clean Toys inside the Dishwasher

Cleaning toys inside the dishwasher is an additional option. The dishwashing detergent and hot water will do the disinfecting and cleaning work for you. If you do not have a dishwasher, wash them by hand inside the sink using hot water and your regular dish detergent. Large toys, toys that have electronic elements, and wooden toys must be individually disinfected and dusted.

Ways to Clean Toys using Bleach

If you’re only washing toys, consider adding a 1/2 cup bleach to the washing machine or dishwasher. If you’re soaking the toys inside the sink, we suggest adding a ½ cup bleach per gallon of water. Allow the toys to soak for around 5 minutes, rinse then air dry.

A few germ-fighting parents keep a different plastic bin that is only for disinfecting and collecting toys which have been contaminated. As a toy has been slobbered on or hit the ground, it goes right into the bin where it’s out of reach from kids. Parents then can add bleach and water right to the bin for cleaning.

Ways to Clean Toys using Vinegar

For a more natural, simpler cleaning solution, think about adding equal parts white vinegar and water to a spray bottle. Spritz your dirty toys using the vinegar solution and allow them to sit for around fifteen minutes. Make certain to wipe off all remaining water-vinegar solution to minimize the lingering vinegar odor. The vinegar spot cleaning technique works best for hard toys yet isn’t ideal for stuffed animals or plush toys.

Ways to Clean Outdoor Toys

Do you have outdoor toys? Sandboxes, little gyms, or play houses, etc.? Bugs, birds, visiting animals and pets make E. coli a concern, as well as make it necessary to sanitize them on a routine basis. Use sanitizing wipes, spray sanitizer, or simply give it the “driveway carwash” treatment using soapy, hot water and garden hose rinse-off.

Ways to Clean Secondhand Toys

Utilize a weak bleach solution that sanitizes secondhand toys which make their way home from resale shops, garage sales, or generous neighbors and relatives. Make certain that you rinse well and thoroughly dry.

MintyMaids is a home cleaning service that has been helping young, busy families and new grandparents remain on top of clutter, dust, and germs for over 10 years.

For more information on our home cleaning services in Winnipeg contact MintyMaids today!
